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Local Government Transparency Code 2015
North London Waste Authority (NLWA) publishes the information it is required to publish by the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. This information includes details of all payments to suppliers for invoices greater than £500, the Authority’s Standing Orders, and information on land and building assets the Authority uses to deliver services. Information on senior employee salary details is also available in the annual statements of accounts.
Details of the information published are listed below. Further information on the 2015 Local Government Transparency Code, including definitions is available on
- Authority organisational chart – this is available in our annual report.
- Authority constitution (or Standing Orders) is available on the Governance page.
- Senior employee salary details – these are available in our annual statements of accounts on the Financial Statements page. The 2017/18 median salary multiple is 3.28.
- Councillor allowances and expenses – The Authority does not have a scheme for paying councillor allowances and expenses.
- NLWA land holdings – view NLWA's associated assets land sizing.
- Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations – NLWA has a Waste Prevention Community Fund through which funding is made available to not-for-profit organisations working on waste prevention initiatives. Information about funded projects is available in the waste prevention section of the contracts register (see below).
NLWA also makes payments for reusable nappies and for reuse and recycling credits (following receipt of successful applications). These payments are identified in the monthly payments to suppliers for invoices greater than £500. - Contracts to businesses and voluntary organisations – our contracts register provides information on contracts with a value of over £5,000 and provides information on:
- The nature of each contract
- How the contract was procured
- The start, end and review date for each contract
- The supplier name and address
- The supplier category
- The contract value
Contracts register
The current version of the contracts register is available at this link and was published on 23 February 2023. Where contract values are estimated details of actual payments to individual suppliers are detailed below.
NLWA's contract with LondonEnergy Ltd for waste management services is available at this link. The Schedules listed within the contract are available here:
Schedule 4 Business Continuity Plan
Schedule 7 Performance Framework
Payments to suppliers
As part of all local authorities' commitment to transparency in public spending, NLWA provides details of all payments to suppliers for invoices greater than £500, published monthly. These can be found at the bottom of this web page.
The reports are made available under Open Government Licence.
The published data on payments to suppliers for invoices greater than £500 contains:
- Supplier name
- Description of the goods or service provided
- Date the invoice was paid
- A unique internal reference number
- An indicator identifying whether the goods or services are capital or revenue in nature
- The invoice total amount excluding VAT
It will not include personal data protected by the Data Protection Act 1998, including:
- Payments made to staff
- Payments which may reveal personal information about an individual
To help with accessibility, we have produced each file in two formats:
- PDF: this is an easy to read formatted version
- CSV: this file can be opened in a spreadsheet package such as Microsoft Excel to allow manipulation of the data
National fraud initiative
NLWA national fraud initiative statement (PDF)