Primose Hill, London

Our Reports

NLWA produces an annual report for the Annual General Meeting each June. Annual reports are available in the Authority meetings pages. The most recent reports are also available here:

NLWA annual report 2023/24

NLWA annual report 2022/23

NLWA annual report 2021/22

NLWA annual report 2020/21

NLWA annual report 2019/20

NLWA annual report 2018/19

NLWA annual report 2017/18

NLWA annual report 2016/17

NLWA annual report 2015/16 / 2015/16 annual report – appendix 3

In 2015, as an appendix to the interim need assessment for the North London Heat and Power Project, officers also produced a summary of NLWA's waste prevention and recycling activity over the previous three years.

In December officers provide a half-year report on contract activity. In February officers provide an annual report on organisations that have applied to be registered to receive reuse and recycling credits. These additional reports are available by going to the Authority meetings pages and then clicking through to the relevant reports.

The budget and levy for the Authority is set annually in February with progress reported throughout the year. The Authority's annual financial statements are available in a separate section of the website. The annual Strategy monitoring reports below provide information about progress against the targets in the Joint Waste Strategy.

Corporate Peer Challenge

The Local Government Association (LGA) carried out a comprehensive Corporate Peer Challenge in January 2023, with the independent review team returning to NLWA in January 2024 to carry out a progress review. Both reports can be read in full here:

LGA Corporate Peer Challenge

Progress Review