Octopus Community Network

octopus compost
Octopus Community Network formed three neighbourhood-based food waste compost hubs in Islington. The project, Urban Soil Food, built upon a small-scale pilot in 2022 and mainly targeted residents of social housing estates, particularly single households.
The project achieved the following:
  • 71 residents engaged and 120 indirect beneficiaries
  • 13,750 followers reached on Twitter and Instagram
  • Developed and delivered a four-week educational programme as well as online content
Octopus Community Network have been able to successfully set up three people powered composting hubs at three separate locations in Islington - Highbury Quadrant, Packington Estate, Community Plant Nursery. Through the influence of project, the creation of six more spin-off compost hubs have been set up. The educational materials created and up-skilling of those who attended the urban soil farmer course, provide a lasting legacy for the project.
Read more about the project on our blog article, Learning to compost with Octopus Community Network, or on the Octopus Community Network website.