Woman cooking

Christmas Cooking Demo - Food Waste Prevention

13:30 - 14:30pm

Every year, around 6.6 million tonnes of food waste is generated by UK households, 70% of which could have been avoided. This has a detrimental impact on our environment.

There are endless ways which we can all reduce the amount of food we waste including buying only what we need, using up leftovers, and recycling/composting the unavoidable food waste. By incorporating some small actions we could make a big difference towards helping to protect our planet.

Food waste is a particular problem during the festive period and we can all be guilty of over buying food which later gets wasted. North London Waste Authority (NLWA) has partnered with Enfield Council to deliver a live food cooking demonstration.

We will be joined by Sarah Moore, a talented chef with a passion for local and seasonal ingredients with a focus on sustainable practices in the kitchen. Sarah loves to cook and demonstrate healthy cooking tips and how to use your leftover ingredients.

Sarah will show us how to make:

  • Christmas leftover pie (including a vegetarian option)
  • Stuffed potato skins (made using surplus veggies)
  • Vegetable soup (made using whatever veggies you have in your fridge)

Details on how to join:

This free session will be delivered via Microsoft TEAMS. Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/131340195059 

Please note: You do not need a teams account to join. By signing up to this event on Eventbrite you will be sent an invite with further information and a link to join in advance.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch: WastePreventionTeam@nlwa.gov.uk