A woman leans on a rack of second-hand clothes

What you can do

In a world where seemingly everything comes in a plastic wrapper, trying to reduce your waste might feel like it’s an impossible task. But we know north Londoners are committed to reducing their environmental impact, and when we all make small changes, together we can make a big difference.

Cut down on food waste

Everyone throws a bit of food away here and there but this really adds up. In fact, one fifth of the food we buy gets thrown away. Reducing food waste is one of the most important things you can do to reduce carbon dioxide and methane emissions: it is estimated that cutting food waste in the UK would have the same impact as taking one out of four cars off the road.

There are many steps you can take to reduce food waste, such as meal planning, freezing leftovers, storing food properly and understanding food labelling (such as the difference between 'use by' and 'best before'). If you want to learn more about how to prevent food waste while picking up some scrummy recipes, head to the Eat Like a Londoner website.

Only buy what you need

We’ve all been guilty of buying something new because it looked great in the shop, only to find that it didn't suit or fit us well, and we only wore it once. Shopping is addictive, and retailers know how to make it irresistible to us. However you can break the habit by avoiding fast fashion, planning ahead and setting a budget, and buying higher-quality items that won’t need to be frequently replaced.

Donate and buy second hand

It’s still true that one person’s trash is another’s treasure. Sometimes throwing an item away seems like the easiest thing to do, but even if it can be recycled, that requires energy and has an environmental impact. So it’s much better to keep items in use through donation and buying second-hand – you might even be able to make a few quid off a sale!

Similarly, when you need to pick up something new, it’s always good to check first if it’s something you can buy pre-loved. You might be surprised what you can buy and sell second hand.

Repair and upcycle

We all know how annoying it is when something stops working, and we have to wear the unexpected cost of replacing it. So why not try first to see if it can be repaired and given a new life?

For something complicated like electrical repair, you probably want to call in a professional – and there are plenty of them around, as you can see in our electrical repair directory. But there are lots of repairs you can do yourself, whether it’s patching up clothes or mending furniture. If you need some tools or equipment you can always have a look at your local library of things.

Choose reusable instead of disposable

About 8 million tons of plastic waste escape into the oceans every year, threatening marine life and ecosystems. Choosing reusable alternatives to disposable products can save money, support local businesses and reduce our environmental impact.

There are plenty of reusable alternatives you can use instead of disposable items, such as:

  • Reusable water bottles
  • Reusable coffee cups
  • Cloth kitchen towels instead of paper
  • Tupperware and lunch boxes instead of cling film
  • Reusable period products

Recycle more and better

North Londoners care about recycling properly and try their best to put things in the right bin. But contamination is still a big issue, with waste items often ending up in the recycling bin, while materials that could be recycled are unnecessarily thrown away. To brush up your recycling knowledge and make sure you’re getting it right, you can read our North London Recycles page, or you can search for a specific item on our recycling a-z.