Three people look at a mountain of waste in the middle of a local street

What are the solutions to the problem of waste?

How we deal with waste in the UK has a big impact on our ability to look after our environment. So it’s more important than ever that we take steps to improve not only how we dispose of waste, but how we prevent waste from being created in the first place. 

Local authorities like NLWA have an important role to play here, but we are only one small cog in a very large machine. As a nation we need to think bigger, and work collectively to build a circular economy where we prioritise reuse and eliminate waste at every opportunity.

It sounds like a challenge, and it is, but we really believe change is possible. The pages below outline some of the concrete solutions we think the UK could implement right now to help move us towards a circular economy and solve our waste problem. These recommendations are based on our expertise in waste management, but it’s not just up to us. Becoming a more sustainable society is a collective responsibility, and everyone has a role to play.