Request for gate fee per tonne for green garden provided by Barnet Council and any future rates that have been decided upon.

Nature of Request
Case id


Response date

The levy for household garden waste for the financial year 2018/19 is £56.66/tonne. 

The cost recharged to each borough for processing waste includes an element of the Authority’s own overheads. 

Costs and tonnages are forecast during the budget setting exercise and then at the end of the year the actual costs are recast to work out the actual cost to each borough, based on the delivered tonnage. 

We have started discussions about the 2019/20 budget – this will be presented to the Authority meeting in February. So until this time future rates have not been decided. 

For information, in north London NLWA contracts with LondonEnergy Ltd to manage the green garden and kitchen waste that is delivered by the north London boroughs that wish to use this contract. 

LondonEnergy Ltd in turn, had its own in-vessel composting facility which was used to process the material until 27 October 2018, and they also used some third parties. Since 27 October 2018 LondonEnergy Ltd has just been using third party facilities for processing green garden waste and kitchen waste following the closure of the onsite composting plant. This closure allows for ground investigation work for the new Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) .