
Disposable nappies are a sizeable waste problem in north London, with the average baby using a total of 6,000 nappies. Knowing what to do with used nappies can be confusing, so here is all the information you need in north London.

Real nappies

Real nappies are a much more environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative to disposable nappies.

You can apply for a nappy voucher worth up to £70, from your local council to purchase and test real nappies – they are easier than you think!







Waltham Forest

What is it like using real nappies?

Amanda Irwin, mum of six-month-old Beatrix from Islington, was a ‘real nappy sceptic’ until she went to a demo to see how they worked. She then claimed her free real nappies voucher and has never looked back.

Amanda says: “I’ve been using real nappies with Beatrix since she was born, they are easy to use and we have a variety of different brands. The nappy she wears usually just depends on which one matches her outfit the best! I would highly recommend other mums give reusable nappies ago. Even part-time use is a help with your household costs and waste, they’re better for the environment, your baby is likely to potty train much earlier, plus they come in super cute colours and prints!”

Find out more by visiting the Real Nappies for London website or reading our blog post. Real Nappies for London is a London-wide scheme providing parents with an opportunity to try real nappies, and lists real nappy events and workshops that are happening across north London.

Don’t recycle

Disposable nappies should be placed in your rubbish bin and not your recycling bin. Used nappies contaminate recyclable materials, meaning they cannot be recycled and costing north London taxpayers £1.5 million every year.

Even nappies that say they are biodegradable cannot be recycled in north London. Your recycling may not be collected if you do put dirty nappies in there. The North London Waste Authority's (NLWA) #BinYourNappy campaign reminds parents to put used nappies in their general waste bin.