



Asbestos is a toxic material that was once used to make insulation and fireproofing material in construction, it is classed as hazardous waste.

Make sure you do not break asbestos into pieces to fit into a bag. Under no circumstances should you use a saw or disc cutter to reduce the size of the sheets as this will generate asbestos dust. For hints and tips on safe removal of asbestos visit (opens in a new window)

There are two ways for residents to dispose of asbestos:

Book an appointment a Hornsey Street Reuse and Recycling Centre

North London residents can dispose of asbestos at Hornsey Street Reuse and Recycling Centre. You have to book a special asbestos appointment. You can do this by emailing or calling 07557 205 292. Please note asbestos is not accepted at the pedestrian zone at Hornsey Street site, but can be brought by van or car.

Please provide this information:

  • How much asbestos you have
  • Confirm that the asbestos is double wrapped in thick polythene sheeting and fully sealed with strong tape. Alternatively, small pieces must be sealed in thick plastic sacks.

Book a City of London hazardous waste collection

You can also arrange for a free collection by the City of London Hazardous Waste Service (opens in new window)


Which reuse and recycling centre can I take it to?