Request for NLWA accounts for the four years 2011/12 to 2014/15

Nature of Request
Case id


Date received

Is it possible to have the NLWA accounts from 2011/12 up to 2014/15 please? 


Response date

Our ref: 2021-150

Sent by email to: xxxx

Dear X,

REF: Request for NLWA accounts from 2011/12 up to 2014/15 please?

Thank you for your enquiry of 12 August 2021 requesting copies of the North London Waste Authority’s 2011/12 to 2014/15 final accounts. Please find the four sets of accounts attached for your information. These are the unsigned versions of the accounts that were in the Authority papers for the relevant Authority meetings for approval.

We trust the unsigned versions are sufficient. However, if you would like to see the final signed versions of the documents, and/or to see copies of the auditor’s reports, please do let me know. We have signed hard copies of the documents in our office. The office is not open every day at present, but we would be happy to arrange for you to visit to see the printed copies of the signed accounts or alternatively to take copies of the signed documents for you.

I trust this response answers your enquiry, but if you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Yours sincerely,

Barbara Herridge

Data Protection Officer


NLWA Draft Statement of Accounts 2011-12 – including draft Audit Opinion

NLWA Statement of Accounts 2012-13 – for publication

NLWA Statement of Accounts 2013-14 – for publication

NLWA Statement of Accounts 2014-15

NLWA Draft Statement of Accounts 2011-12 – including draft Audit Opinion
NLWA Statement of Accounts 2012-13 – for publication
NLWA Statement of Accounts 2013-14 – for publication
NLWA Statement of Accounts 2014-15