Request for information regarding the waste contracts that are outsourced by your council/wasteauthority

Nature of Request
Case id


Date received
Request for information regarding the waste contracts that are outsourced by your council/waste


1) Do you pay a generalised price per tonne for waste collection?

2) Do you pay a specific price with VAT and LFT (Landfill Tax) shown as separate entities?

3) How long has the pricing situation been in place?


Response date

This request is being handled under the Environmental Information Regulations (EiR) 2004 and has been allocated the reference number 2018-01 . In response to your questions please find below the following information:

•    North London Waste Authority is a waste disposal authority so we do not arrange or pay for waste collection. More details of our responsibilities are available on our website at

•    Waste disposal to landfill is managed by our contractor LondonEnergy Ltd. and we pay a specific price per tonne for that waste to be disposed. The invoices submitted to NLWA separately itemise VAT and landfill tax. Details of our landfill tax expenditure and budget is included in the regular revenue budget and levy reports prepared for Authority meetings. The most recent of which is available here:

•    This situation has been in place since the formation of LondonEnergy Ltd (formerly LondonWaste Ltd), revenue budget and levy reports outlining the details of landfill tax payments are available on our website going back to 2002.