NLWA’s contract for the collection and processing of household dry mixed recycling is with Biffa Waste Services Ltd. As part of this contract, Biffa established the Borough Recycling Fund. For every tonne of recycling collected, Biffa contributes to this fund, and it is available for NLWA and its boroughs to spend on new and innovative projects that help increase the quantity and/or quality of north London’s recycling.
For each year of this plan, we will work with Biffa and the north London boroughs to deliver recycling initiatives, projects and campaigns that achieve the objectives of the Borough Recycling Fund. For instance, planning is underway for a high-profile advertising and media campaign that aims to increase participation in household recycling services. It will highlight the importance of taking personal responsibility for recycling, with a particular focus on the hard work and dedication of north London’s collection crews. Communications materials will be produced through a collaborative process with collection crews in each borough, and we hope to use tonnage data to measure the impact of targeted leafleting.

We will work with our boroughs to trial new initiatives which could increase recycling rates for all types of materials. We will be guided by their expertise to identify shared priorities. For instance, many of our boroughs are keen to trial a food waste recycling collection from flats above shops. We will deliver this project collaboratively with them, allowing for a consistent approach across the north London area and ensuring economies of scale. Specifically, we will assist with project design, applying robust behaviour change theory, and we will fund production of leaflets and bin stickers and procure door-knocking to encourage participation.
It is essential that, as north London’s waste disposal authority, we enable our boroughs to participate in national or London-wide campaigns, amplifying campaign messages and increasing recognition. We will fund additional advertising for campaigns such as Recycle Week, Repair Week and Circular Economy Week, potentially also funding boroughs to deliver advertising on their own social media channels.