North London Waste Authority’s Annual Report 2023/24 was approved by members of the Authority at the annual general meeting in June 2024.
The Annual Report 2023/24 gives an overview of the main areas of the Authority’s work in 2023/24 and the main issues dealt with by the Authority.
You can download a copy of the full report from this link.
The Annual Report 2023/24 is divided into seven sections, which are described below. You can view individual sections of the report by clicking on the relevant links below.
Introduction and summary – provides an overview of the Annual Report 2023-24.
NLWA's role and operation - provides an overview of the Authority’s structure, functions and strategy.
Services and Performance – details on how the Authority managed recyclable material collected by the seven north London boroughs in 2023-24 and the seven Authority-run reuse and recycling centres (RRCs). This section also provides an account of how the Authority met its statutory duty to dispose of the residual (non-recyclable) waste collected by the seven north London boroughs in 2023-24.
Communications outreach and engagement – provides details of specific campaigns designed to help residents waste less and recycle more, as well as information about the day to day communications activity delivered to support the different business areas of the Authority.
North London Heat and Power Project (NLHPP) – provides a progress update on the NLHPP, which is the Authority’s plan to build a replacement energy recovery facility, and associated development, at the Edmonton EcoPark. You can read more about the NLHPP on the project website.
Governance – provides information about how the Authority was run in 2023-24, including specific developments and issues related to the governance of the Authority and details of any statutory requirements under which the Authority operates.
Finance and resources – provides an overview of the Authority’s financial position in 2023-24 and an account of the Authority’s approach to managing its finances and resources.