Woman painting a recycle plant pot at a Community Fund workshop

Annual grant giving

At North London Waste Authority, we are committed to supporting non-profit-making organisations focused on tackling waste at the community level. We believe working with communities is key to enacting our objective to prevent waste and preserve resources for future generations.

North London Community Fund: Highlights to date
North London Community Fund: Highlights to date

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  1. £621,832.23 have been awarded to community groups
  2. 59 organisations have been supported by the Fund
  3. Over 8,516 residents have been engaged
  4. The Fund has enabled 336 events
  5. 86 employees and volunteers have been supported by the Fund.

North London Community Fund

Our flagship waste prevention initiative, the North London Community Fund (NLCF), was established in 2017 to enhance the efforts of grassroots local groups addressing waste challenges across our boroughs.

Since its launch, we have awarded funding to 59 organisations dedicated to a wide range of waste prevention activities. These include: providing recycling and reuse education, setting up repair cafes, upcycling and textiles events, sustainability fairs and food waste workshops. 

Visit our Events page to see what current NLCF activities are on offer.

To get North London Community Fund updates, please subscribe to our newsletter.

For FAQs and application information, visit our How to apply webpage.

Want more information? 

Grant opportunities

Summary of projects


Current recipients

This year the funding is being used for a selection of waste prevention activities in north London. Visit North London Community Fund Summary of Projects or find further details below.

What other support do we offer?

As well as the NLCF, we offer non-profit-making organisations in north London the opportunity to receive credits for diverting waste from landfill, and access to volunteer time and a resource bank through RE-Power Communities.