Buckingham Palace
Published date: 22 July 2024

NLWA urges Government to set out zero waste economy roadmap following King’s Speech

North London Waste Authority (NLWA) has urged the new Government to set out how it will move towards a zero waste economy. 

While the Environment Secretary, Steve Reed, listed it as a top priority for his department, last week’s King’s Speech revealed no details of how this roadmap will look in practice. While the urgency of the global climate challenge was recognised, no plans for waste reduction were set out. 

More details are also needed on how the Government intends to progress existing waste reforms, including Extended Producer Responsibility and the Deposit Return Scheme.  

However, NLWA has welcomed plans to progress with the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, which it hopes will lead to a ban on unnecessary and unsustainable disposable vapes. 

As the owner of LondonEnergy Limited (LEL) - an existing company which generates sustainable energy and power at its energy from waste facility, for the benefit of the local community – the Authority is also looking forward to learning more details about the Great British Energy Bill. NLWA hopes to share its insights and knowledge as publicly-owned GB Energy, which will invest in  homegrown, green electricity and cut bills, is established. 

Additionally, the National Wealth Fund Bill will facilitate the investment of £1billion to accelerate the deployment of carbon capture. NLWA welcomes this investment, but has called on the Government to provide more detail on how it will be chanelled into the industry.