Waste Prevention Exchange 2022

Waste Prevention Exchange 2022

  • conference room
  • Blonde lady speaking into a microphone
  • Cllr Loakes speaking
  • Hands Clapping

Waste Prevention Exchange 2022

The eighth annual Waste Prevention Exchange, brought to you by North London Waste Authority, focused on the essential role of waste prevention in tackling the climate emergency.

The conference, which took place online, brought together an expert panel of speakers to discuss the waste sector’s response to the climate emergency and initiatives driving the required change. Industry leaders navigated delegates through challenges facing the sector such as the elimination of carbon intensive items in waste streams, communications and responses to the climate emergency, incentivising the market and campaign planning. Scroll further down the page to download speaker slides.

Speaker slides

Post COP26 landscape Claire Shrewsbury, Director Insights And Innovation, WRAP

London Councils One World Living Programme, reducing consumption-based emissions Emma Beal, Managing Director, West London Waste, Chair NAWDO & Matthew Adams, Head of Natural Resources & Climate, London Borough of Harrow

Local Authority climate emergency action plan Sam Kennedy, Director Environment and Climate, Essex County Council

Climate emergency a European Perspective Pierre Condamine, Waste Policy Officer, Zero Waste Europe

Harnessing the momentum of the climate emergency to influence waste behaviours Maria Lunetto, Research Fellow, UCL Centre for Behaviour Change 

Understanding carbon in our waste streams Stuart Hayward-Higham, Technical Director, SUEZ Recycling & Recover UK                                             

Local authority communications campaign planning Stephen Bates, Director and Behaviour Change Communications Expert, The Mobius Agency Ltd

Modelling carbon in waste streams Rachel Espinosa, Principal Consultant, Ricardo Energy & Environment


Published date
10 January 2022