September 20-26 is national Recycle Week and we're doing our best to encourage everyone to join us in building new recycling habits that will last a lifetime and help our communities take that one step closer to being sustainable.
This way we hope to help everyone make one small change in their day to day activities in order to take up one new recycling habit every day, whether that's buying a sustainable reusable cup, taking a monthly trip to the recycling centre or starting a food waste collection bin. Whatever you're thinking of taking up, we're here to guide you through it.
Why not take our quiz below to test your recycling knowledge or visit our A-Z for answers to literally everything your can think of disposing.
We also have blogs on wishcycling as well as creating new recycling habits to help you on your journey. And speaking of journeys, why not check out where each of your recycling materials go to be processed?
Take our recycling quiz to test your knowledge