As a local authority we are accountable to the residents of our seven constituent boroughs. To ensure that this plan meets the needs of north London residents, its development and delivery is steered by our Members Recycling Working Group. The group is made up of seven councillors (one from each constituent borough), who have been democratically elected to serve their communities.

NLWA is funded through a levy paid by the boroughs to dispose of their waste and manage recycling. A budget of up to £1m per year is allocated to deliver a strong programme of work to reduce waste and ensure it aligns with boroughs' plans. Communication and engagement projects are delivered by an in-house team, with support from external contractors where necessary.

A group of officers from the constituent boroughs meets regularly and inputs into the development, delivery, and evaluation of projects.

Individual projects will be carefully planned, delivered, and evaluated to ensure value for money and maximum impact.  We will seek to build a network with stakeholders to inform and shape the activities delivered through this plan, to ensure they are relevant to the north London community. A monitoring and evaluation framework will be developed, with input from resident research, to ensure projects can be continuously improved.

We will use data to underpin our work and make it robust. We will use data from a variety of sources including primary and secondary research. We will share the outputs from our research to benefit our partners and the sector.

We will provide progress updates on development and delivery of the plan at Authority meetings, which are open to the public and streamed online. Papers are published online, and residents are permitted to make deputations at meetings.