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LondonEnergy Ltd

LondonEnergy Ltd (LEL)  is a company wholly owned by NLWA which manages and operates the Edmonton energy from waste facility, six reuse and recycling centres and three waste transfer stations on our behalf.

The close and cooperative relationship between NLWA and LEL realises substantial benefits for north London residents:

  • It delivers a cost effective and environmentally sustainable service
  • As the sole shareholder, NLWA ensures funds generated by energy sales are reinvested into public services for residents.

NLWA Members, who are elected public officials accountable to council taxpayers, are on the LEL board. This helps to ensure NLWA and LEL work together effectively and in the best interests of north London residents

There are lots of examples of how the partnership has delivered sustainable solutions for north London, like for example the Reuse Shoprepair events or mattress recycling scheme. Learn more about what we do by exploring the NLWA and LEL websites. Or alternatively you can ask any further questions you have here.