Close-up of a circuit board

Design Technology resources

Here you'll find a selection of KS3 and KS4 resources for Design Technology teachers. We've got a mix of resources for subjects including Product Design, Food Tec and Textiles. We'll be regularly updating this page so keep an eye out for new materials and resources.

Cant find what you're looking for? Or have suggestions for the page? Get in touch and let us know!

Textile waste

One planet packaging

Food waste 

Designing products for your future 

Behind the seams

Textile waste

Circular Economy Resources is a really helpful hub of lesson plans and teaching materials for teaching sustainability in secondary school. Here they have a set of lessons on textile waste. Students will learn about the environmental costs of producing and wasting textiles, as well as methods of textile recycling. 

  • Lesson plan 1: introduces textile recycling, how it works and why its important.
  • Lesson plan 2: introduces chemical recycling and how it can be introduced to textile waste. 

They've also produced this helpful pdf on how these resources link to the national curriculum. 

One planet packaging

This GCSE level Product Design unit of work has been published by WasteWatch, and quality assured and made available for free by STEM. It requires students to incorporate ideas about sustainability into the design of packaging for a product. It includes all the required materials, including worksheets, presentations and scheme of work for 5 active sessions. 

Students will : 

  • Investigate a design opportunity
  • Develop and design a concept
  • Produce and test a prototype for their design

Food waste

In this KS3 Food Technology lesson plan from Oak Academy, students will study how to minimise waste in their kitchens by examining their cooking habits and techniques, as well as looking at sustainable ways to deal with food waste such as composting.

It includes:

  • A presentation
  • A video
  • Activities
  • Starter and exit quizzes.

Designing products for your future

In this KS3 Product Design lesson plan students will look at designing products with the concepts of cradle to grave and the circular economy in mind. They will also see how some designers are using items traditionally considered to be waste as materials for making useful products.

It includes:

  • A presentation
  • A video
  • Activities
  • Starter and exit quizzes.

For more information on composting in schools, visit our Primary Schools Composting page.

Behind the seams

Traid have created this extensive education toolkit for KS3 and KS4 Textiles lessons. Its focus is on teaching students about how we produce, use and waste clothing, and what can be done to help us move towards more sustainability in the industry.

The toolkit includes six lesson plans across three themes – production, consumption and waste – and includes worksheets, slideshow presentations and factsheets.