Christmas Jumpers 1

Christmas Jumper Day 2020

Some love them, some hate them, but somehow, most of us will still end up wearing one this month. In case you haven’t guessed it yet, we are talking about Christmas jumpers.

Whether you have a love-hate relationship with the idea or not, Christmas jumpers are somewhat a fashion staple of the festive period; there is even a day dedicated to it.

Yep, set up by the children’s charity Save the Children eight years ago, the first Christmas Jumper Day took place on December 14 2012 as a fundraising event to help children around the world have a better future, and this year, it is taking place (today) on 11 December.

Whether you are taking part in a virtual Christmas party or not this year, if you want to participate, you can still safely enjoy the day wherever you are. Visit Save the Children to find out more.

If you already have a (Christmas) jumper sitting at the back of your wardrobe, dig it out and wear it again – reusing an old one is a more sustainable approach than buying a new one. And if you really can’t fight the urge for a new one, how about swapping with a friend (safely, of course) or getting creative and trying upcycling? The more tinsel the better!