A cloud formation spelling CO2

Carbon emissions and your carbon footprint

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that is produced when burning fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and gas. All heat-trapping gases are called “greenhouse gases,” which keep the heat from the sun in our atmosphere. Carbon emissions refer to the release of carbon, particularly CO2, into the atmosphere. 

A large volume of carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gases, covers the Earth, trapping heat and causing global warming. 

CO2e stands for carbon dioxide equivalent. It's a standard unit to describe the impact of different greenhouse gases on the climate.

Global warming is responsible for rising temperatures of the climate, which results in: 

  • More frequent and severe heatwaves and extreme weather events which affect ecosystems, agriculture, and human health 
  • Rising sea levels as ice caps and glaciers melt, posing a threat to coastal areas and leading to flooding and erosion
  • Disruption of ecosystems and biodiversity loss 
  • Crop loss 
  • An impact on human health with vulnerable populations suffering the effects of global warming the most.

Your carbon footprint 

Your carbon footprint is the total amount of CO2e (greenhouse gas) emissions that result from your daily activities and consumption. This includes emissions from transportation, food, general consumption and energy use in your household. It’s the mark you leave on the Earth with every action you take. 

The average carbon footprint per person per year in the UK is 13 tonnes of CO2e.  That is the equivalent of driving 90,466 kilometres or eating 5,936 beef steaks and is about the weight of a double decker bus. This might not sound a lot but when you add up the 67 million people in the UK alone, this equates to 871 mega tonnes of CO2e. 

To generate your estimated carbon footprint, you can use this calculator: WWF Footprint Calculator.

Changes to our lifestyles and behaviour can result in a 40-70% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Take a look at the actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint

Actions to reduce your carbon footprint