Close up of hands working on sheets of paper

Cross-Curricular resources

Here you'll find a selection of KS3 and KS4 resources that are not subject-specific. The resources here can be used for Science, Geography, DT, assemblies, PSHCE or any lesson where sustainability is relevant. We'll be regularly updating this page so keep an eye out for new materials and resources.

  Redesigning plastics

  Circular Economy

Redesigning plastics

These 2 40-minute lesson plans from the Ellen Macarthur Foundation look at how we use plastics in everyday life, what happens to our plastic waste, the circular economy and how we can move away from reduce, reuse, recycle to redesign waste right out of the system. 

Sample slides showing someone holding a waterbottle and packaged vegetables

External Source: Ellen Macarthur Foundation

Circular Economy

This video resource, titled 'Re-thinking progress', is for all ages and looks at how we can move towards an economy based on products that are 'made to be re-made'. It explains the principles of the circular economy, and critically examines our current unsustainable ideas of societal progress.

For more information about circular economies, visit our NLWA circular economy page. 

External Source: Ellen Macarthur Foundation