Questions about the North London Heat and Power Project: What is the current stage of the Project? Any information about the impacts found in research by NLWA. A list of companies and authorities involved in building, operating and financing the project.

Nature of Request
NLHPP future services
Case id


Response date

We assessed the environmental impacts of the construction, operation and decommissioning stages of replacing the facility on the surrounding environment in the Environment Statement when applying for a Development Consent Order (DCO). Our assessments were carried out on the following aspects:

a. Air Quality and Odour;

b. Archaeology;

c. Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing;

d. Ecology;

e. Environmental Wind;

f. Ground Conditions and Contamination;

g. Noise and Vibration;

h. Socio-Economics;

i. Transport;

j. Water Resources and Flood Risk; and

k. Visual.

The summary of the environmental assessment finds there are no long term significant negative effects from the construction, operation and decommissioning stages of the Project. The only impacts identified were for a temporary time during the construction phase. Impacts on ecology were found for a temporary time on the temporary laydown area, where this land will be restored after construction back to its former state. Also, visual impacts for a temporary time during construction and decommissioning will be significant to develop a sufficiently sized building on the property. Taking account of the design of the new facility the visual impact reduces once the existing plant is removed. 

Our project has been scoped based on our findings in the environmental impact assessment to ensure that it achieves good environmental design. This includes selecting the most effective technology available (selective catalytic reduction) for nitrogen oxide removal from emissions. We are the only facility in the UK to have done so. 

A non-technical summary of the findings in the assessments for the Environment Statement which supported the approval of a DCO is available online at:…;

Further benefits about why we need this facility are located here: 

Building, operating and financing:

We have appointed the first contractor for Laydown Area East who is Buckingham Group Contracting Limited. A copy of their award notice is available online. 

We are currently in the process of procuring other contractors for Northern Access Works, Laydown Area West and Eastern Access Works and Sewer Diversion Works. Further details about these works will be added to the NLHPP Works Register online when awarded. Further procurements for the project are still to be announced on a number of work packages and the expected list of works required for the project is available in the latest supplier guide.  We also have a team of consultants who provide services related to the Project for the Authority. These are recorded in the Consultancy Register online. 

Edmonton EcoPark is currently operated by LondonEnergy Limited and it is expected that they will continue to operate the site under contract once the project is completed. All operations contracts for the Authority can be found in the Operations Register online. 

The most recent update about the current status of the public funding states ‘The final selection of public funding source will be made by NLWA in due course’ and is published here:… Further updates will be made available via the news section of our project website.