second hand clothes

Getting Second-Hand Savvy

An essential part of reversing climate change is to stop producing so many new things, and make better use of what we have. Governments and businesses need to fundamentally change the way products are designed so that companies aren't allowed to ignore the environmental impact of what they produce, and only make good quality products that last. But there's also a lot we can do as individuals, such as choosing to support the second-hand market.

You can buy literally anything second hand, and in many cases items are still in excellent condition. 

Where to buy second hand at a glance: 

There are lots of online shops and apps for pre-loved items. We've tried to list as many options as we could think of, but please let us know if we've missed any!


Electrical items and homeware


Finally, you can also consider borrowing items for a few days. This is great if you’re short of money and space or only need something for a brief time. Many areas have borrowing libraries and Library of Things lists them all for ease. There’s also Fat Llama if you prefer the online option.

What about items you no longer want?

Visit our page about selling or giving away something you don't want.